Gareth's RCP Study Blog

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Binary Oppositions

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This wasn’t so much of a group exercise, but I feel it is relevant to post my findings for Binary Oppositions within the clip.

Binary Oppositions reduce complexity of the world within our culture and impose an order of things, though they are not necessarily always opposites. They seem to form a structure for the universe, pre-established rules that we must all abide by. Pre-established or God-given rules are a myth, however it is surprising how many people do not realise that things are a certain way because somebody made it that way to a certain end.

For example, advertisments for cleaning products are always aimed at women and by doing so are perpetuating the myth that women are all the cleaners within their households and actually enjoy doing it. The same goes for cars and the idea that when you by a car you are free.

The binary oppositions within The Conversation clip are as follows:

Sound / Silence
Public / Privacy
Trust / Paranoia
Truth / Lie
Distance / Closeness
Above / Below


Written by garethturnercmp

November 27, 2010 at 5:52 pm

Posted in Study Diary

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